Undergraduate Housing

我们的宿舍楼是查塔姆过去的一扇窗户,离匹兹堡伟大的设施只有几步之遥. Explore this page to learn more about undergraduate housing options, our two-year residency policy, accommodations, and resources at Chatham. For detailed pricing on housing, please visit our Tuition & Fees page.

Shadyside Upper Campus: Dilworth Hall

Situated in the heart of campus, Dilworth Hall was constructed in 1959. 该建筑以查塔姆基金会创始人之一、董事会成员约瑟夫·迪尔沃思的名字命名. 迪尔沃斯1号有70多名学生住在双人房间里, 2nd, and 3rd floors and has two four-person suites on the ground floor. 迪尔沃斯为学生提供便利,靠近校园的学术和行政大楼. 

Shadyside Upper Campus: Fickes Hall

Fickes Hall, a historic mansion, 建于1927年,1946年改建为波胆网站学生宿舍. Situated on the picturesque southeast rise of campus, Fickes houses over 100 residents in a renovated mansion. 一层包括安静的学习空间,在餐厅的内置书架之间, a comfortable television room, and a great outdoor courtyard. 传统的家具使客厅充满了学习和丰富交谈的地方. 菲克斯还为高年级学生提供公寓生活,方便他们靠近校园的学术和行政大楼.

Shadyside Upper Campus: Laughlin House

Marjory Rea Laughlin House, built in 1912, was originally home to James Laughlin, the president of the University's first Board of Trustees. 1967年,该住宅被捐赠给大学,成为32名学生的家. 建筑特色是真实的时代,它最初建成, including a beautiful entrance hall, wooden staircases, and leaded stain glass windows. Laughlin House is home to the Women’s Leadership & Femme-Aligned Living Learning Community. 这种住房选择是开放给所有有兴趣学习和积极参与妇女研究和妇女赋权的学生. 这个社区的目标是在志同道合的人之间建立一个强大的社区. 劳克林大学为学生提供单人、双人、三人和四人入住的房间. 

Shadyside Upper Campus: Rea House

朱莉娅和詹姆斯·雷亚之家在20世纪60年代末被捐赠给波胆网站, but was built in 1912 by James C. Rea. With its rich wooden paneling and many fireplaces, 这座有23个房间的砖房在模型上与20世纪早期的英国乡村别墅相似. Rea House可容纳一年级和高年级学生,并提供客厅/电视室, dining room, kitchen area and laundry facilities. Rea House为学生提供单人,双人和三人入住的房间.

Shadyside Upper Campus: Woodland Hall

Situated in the heart of campus, Woodland Hall was constructed in 1909. 林地有100多名学生住在单人、双人和三人入住的房间里. This residence hall is located at the edge of the academic quad, and directly across from the library. 林地阳光廊是美丽舒适的休息区,是建筑的核心. 伍德兰有完全无障碍的设施,是校园里唯一一个有电梯的住宅区. 

Shadyside Lower Campus: Chatham Apartments

查塔姆公寓为高年级本科生提供36套两居室公寓, 位于第五大道和马里兰大道的交汇处,毗邻校园. Each apartment accommodates three students.

Shadyside Lower Campus: Linzer Apartments

Linzer Apartments公寓坐落在一片草坡上,距离繁华的第五大道(Fifth Avenue)略远. These comfortable one-bedroom, 有家具的公寓离波胆网站荫边校区的正门最近,位于伍德兰路和第五大道的交汇处. 因此,他们为居民提供了非常方便地进入校园和班车系统. 

Shadyside Lower Campus: Haber Apartments

Haber consists of seven furnished, one and two-bedroom apartments. 这些现代风格的公寓提供了充足的生活空间,位于Shadyside校区的街对面. 

Shadyside Lower Campus: Chung Apartments

Located on the Shadyside Campus, Chung公寓由家具齐全的单元组成,提供宽敞的生活环境. 

Shadyside Lower Campus: Pelletreau Apartments

Pelletreau公寓由六栋建筑组成,由一个庭院分开,周围是人类工程和自然的壮观组合. 最近进行了翻新,包括几个金属阳台,并以两个太阳能灯柱为标志, Pelletreau为居民提供家具齐全的两居室公寓,可容纳三名学生,距离Upper Shadyside校区只有短短五分钟的步行路程. 

Shadyside Lower Campus: Hicks Estate

Another mansion that was a private home in another life, 希克斯提供了一个安静的和以社区为中心的氛围,一直是最受追捧的公寓选择之一. Located on the Shadyside Campus. 庄园的主楼由十套带家具的单卧室公寓组成. 希克斯马车屋和希克斯附件每个提供几个一卧室和两卧室的公寓,以及. 

Eden Hall Campus: Orchard Hall

Located on the Eden Hall Campus, 果园大厅体现了查塔姆国际事务中心的使命,即实施可持续实践和关注环境. 果园利用最先进的地热供暖和制冷,其设计的每一个方面都反映了能源中性的目标, LEED-Certified building. 


Living Learning Communities

生活学习社区(llc)是一种特殊的住房选择,它为学生提供了通过使用编程在课堂外继续学习的机会, daily interactions with other residents, and connection with faculty, staff, and community resources. 被选中居住在有限责任公司的学生被要求帮助发展和参与有限责任公司的项目,并成为社区不可或缺的一部分. 

  • Apply for an LLC: 当你完成住房申请时,你可以选择申请有限责任公司. 有限责任公司申请人将回答几个简短的问题,以便考虑有限责任公司的安置.