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When you major in 英语 at Chatham, you will be immersed in the literary imagination through studying British, American, and world literature. You will also develop skills in 写作 and in literary analysis, 当你学习文学体裁的时候, 历史时期, 和理论. 在校园, you will have the opportunity to write for the student newspaper, 协助出版文学杂志, 并加入英语荣誉协会. 另外, you will be encour年龄d to take advant年龄 of internship opportunities in order to acquire firsthand work experience directly related to your studies or career plans. 
  • BA

The 英语 major at Chatham is a challenge to better understand and interpret the worlds we encounter in texts and in life. 来自吐温的密西西比河, 莎士比亚环球剧场, 和奥古斯特·威尔逊的希尔区, the 英语 major widens the imagination while also offering the tools and vocabulary to critically eng年龄 with the texts that helped to shape our current realities.

-JENNY SCHOLLAERT 15岁,现任博士.D. 马里兰大学候选人


Strong critical thinkers who are trained to articulate difficult concepts in clear langu年龄, 英语 majors are prepared for careers requiring intellectual sophistication and clear expression, as well as graduate study in professional or academic areas ranging from literature or law to creative 写作 or teaching.

  • All students complete a capstone seminar that channels the knowledge they’ve accumulated into a discipline-specific project under close faculty guidance.
  • You will be encour年龄d to present your academic and creative work at professional conferences through 西格玛τ δ (the International 英语 Honor Society) and other organizations, helping you develop your professional identity as you prepare to move on to employment or graduate work.
  • Small, intimate classes allow you to work directly with passionate, diversely talented faculty and fellow students.


This course provides an introduction to the African-American expressive tradition, 包括诗歌, 小说, 自传, 首歌, and folktales from the 18th century to the present. 考察像道格拉斯这样的作家, Chesnutt, 布鲁克斯, 鲍德温, 埃里森, 和沃克, this course works to delineate the critical and historical contours of the African-American literary tradition.


This course examines literature in multiple genres (e.g. 小说, 诗歌, 创造性的非小说类, 漫画小说, 电影/电视, and long-form journalism) through the theoretical lens of food studies to understand how writers use food as a cultural object to point to issues of identity including race, class, 性别, 性, 年龄, 能力, 以及信仰体系.

Bleak Houses: Shifting Landscapes of the 英语 Novel

This course will cover the modern European novel through the thematic rubric of “love and lies.” This affords the opportunity to consider 小说 not only as a medium of the novel but also as a discourse of self-expression, 贯穿, and in the cases of some our lying protagonists, 自我毁灭. Students will focus on characters’ constructions of “truth” and “lies” as these concepts are informed by characters’ emotional positions. 在它最雄心勃勃的时候, this focus on the dynamic of intersubjectivity not only provides important insights into the literature we will read but also enhances students’ understanding of the interpersonal connections that drive worldviews and narratives.



If one word could best sum up Chatham's faculty, it would be eng年龄d. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.

Assistant Professor of Humanities, Women’s and Gender Studies Program Coordinator
Photo of two students chatting at a cubicle in Jennie Mellon King library, 在图书馆的书堆之间.

西格玛τ δ

查塔姆的获奖章节 西格玛τ δ, the international 英语 honor society, welcomes new members who qualify and supports all students interested in effective, 变革阅读, 写作, 公共服务.

Photo of four students in matching yellow Chatham University shirts, 在Rea咖啡馆合影


查塔姆的 创意写作俱乐部 sponsors readings and events, such as the open-mic night at Rea Coffeehouse each term. 俱乐部欢迎一年级新生.

Photo of a Chatham University student in graduation robes and cap, standing at a podium mid-speech

学生简介:Jenny Schollaert '15

“这对整个社区来说都是一个冲击." That’s how Jenny Schollaert ’15, describes Chatham University. “一个很好的打击,”她很快澄清道. “Because we’re so welcoming and everyone wants you to succeed. And I think it’s that shocking to some people, and they’re like are you really this excited about seeing me succeed? 但是,是的,他们是!”






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